Conflict Management

Picture Credit: by Mathilda Khoo

Mindset Part 2: Preventing Toxicity in Your Mind

Positivity is hard to do, especially if you are an individual who sees the world from a very practical stance. As mentioned in my video, it takes practice, mental discipline, and effort to be positive and think this way continuously. Positivity can be achieved if you are willing to make an effort. It is a habit that can be formed with your willingness.

Have you ever had these thoughts? “Why is she coming at me again?” “Why do I feel like they are attacking me?” “Ugh, I hate my colleague; she’s always competing with me.” These are common phrases that I hear in the workplace. And I will not discount their validity. It is true sometimes these behaviors happen, and they may happen to you. Toxicity in our brains is formed when we continue thinking these thoughts.

2023 & Your Mindset by Bina Patel, PhD

Toxicity in an organization or a business unit begins with the people. Systems create the structure through subsystems. Subsystems operate on policies, rules, responsibilities, and other administrative functions such as payroll. In other words, a system is designed to build an organization. Workers carry an organization’s mission forward. Moreover, all organizations experience problems, dilemmas, and successes when people are involved.

We all know that humans are emotional beings. We have the greatest pleasure of feeling emotions associated with bodily sensations. Nevertheless, what happens when an organization becomes toxic? Toxicity begins with a few people in power and ends with accountability by the top leaders of an organization.

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Managing Expectations During Challenging Times In Your Organization

Setting clear expectations when managing a growing team during changing times such as COVID-19 can be challenging and emotionally draining. Right now there are many emotions experienced by employees, senior leaders, and managing those of our staff members. Establishing clear expectations allows everyone to see what is expected of them, of myself as the …